Wrestle Bros
Wrestle Bros is a sport action game in the style of pro wrestling, where by embodying your favorite character, you can fight your way to victory in the championships. Unleash an avalanche of wrestling moves on your opponents, from aerial attacks to bone-crushing body slams. Get ready to dominate the ring and claim the championship, bro!
How to Play Wrestle Bros
Choose your fight mode
Start your Wrestle Bros game by selecting one of the available game modes. You can play immediately in a single-player tournament, invite a friend to play a two-player game on the same computer, or join an online wrestling match.
Pick your bro and customize their colors
The game starts with four available Wrestle Bros: Bron Lester, Brogan Paw, Binky Flinch, and Rocky Star. Each Wrestle Bro has unique stats that provide an advantage or handicap when the match begins. You can customize the colors of their outfits to create a distinctive style that will make the other bros jealous!
Step into the ring
Wrestle with various other bros in the ring. You can perform various moves, such as the suplex, to make the crowd go wild, or punch and kick your opponent senselessly with fists. Use props like chairs to add insult to injury and climb the ropes to execute powerful body slams. When your opponent is dizzy, double-jump and pin them down for a finishing move.
Claim rewards
For every few games you win, you have the opportunity to unlock something new. As you progress, there are many more wrestlers and moves to unlock. Keep playing Wrestle Bros to unlock all the extras and become the most formidable competitor in the arena!
More Games Like This
After you finish playing Wrestle Bros, try out more of our free fighting games; there are hundreds of them. One popular game worth trying is BrutalMania. If you want to play more sports games by Blue Wizard Digital, check out Basket Bros and Soccer Bros! Other sports games worth a try are A Small World Cup and Basket Random for more fun.
Release Date
July 2023
Wrestle Bros was developed by Blue Wizard Digital.
Web browser (desktop and mobile)
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